Light Rail Ridership on the Rise; The Personalities Behind the Grace and Henry David House


Photo of the Med Center: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool


3 Comment

  • Oh, this is bad. An article about light rail ridership and no comments. Come back soon Swamplot. Life just hasn’t been the same.

  • @Old School, I’ll summarize the 20 missed posts that would have occurred… Me and a couple of others would have called it a boondoggle and a communist plot, the other side would have called it a human right and must be running down every street in town so they can tweet that Houston is a “world class city”. Culberson would have been blamed at some point, and the whole thing would have gone round and round in circles.

  • Which is exactly why when Abraham Lincoln of the republican party signed the Pacific Railway act of 1862, helping to create the transcontinental railroad, it secured his place in history among the worlds communists. trains = communism. Interstate highways, on the other hand = capitalism.