First Day of Post Oak School Construction; Pappas Bros. Steakhouse Nears Downtown Debut


Photo of the Royalton: elnina via Swamplot Flickr Pool


7 Comment

  • Who was the brainiac who named the new development in Conroe “Grand Central Park”? Can’t SMG enough…

  • From checking out all the links on the HMFA article I see that several cafes and a restaurant will be included in the buildings. While I can only imagine the cafes will be coffeehouses, I can only hope the restaurant will be a little better than the current offerings on campus. Guess I will have to wait a few years yet to see what is in store for my neighborhood ……

  • Oh, congrads to the Post Oak School …. I was wondering if they are planning to take down the old wood-framed house between their lot along Montrose and the older building. I can now only surmise that they will be.

  • I keep confusing Conroe’s “Grand Central Park” with the Energy Corridor’s “Central Park.” Let’s just put one in every neighborhood. . . .

  • hey WR – That cool old house next to POS has been long gone several months ago. Was sorry to see that piece of history go.

  • markd ….

    Thanks for the info …. am currently working until December in Thailand so I was not aware of the demolition. Sounds like I will have quite a few surprises waiting for me after my return to H-town.

  • the vacant lot is up on google street view