A Café for the Park at the Former Teas Nursery; A Place To Drink at the 8th Wonder Brewery

elan heights

Photo of Elan Heights construction in Woodland Heights: Marc Longoria via Swamplot Flickr Pool


13 Comment

  • Anyone else notice that the proposed Little Woodrows on East Side claims 300 parking spaces!. An acre of parking. Seems fishy to me as I’m not sure I’ve seen a bar with a 300 spot parking lot inside the loop.

  • http://cdandrews.blogspot.com/2014/07/voices-of-public-transit-systems-whos.html
    And let us not forget the best greatest rail system in Texas: DART Dallas Area Rapid Transit. Houston is going to seriously regret allowing John ‘Fatboy’ Culberson to screw it over rail, especially the excellent University Line. Houston will stupidly install nasty belching buses along Post Oak Blvd, instead of modern/contemporary/sleek MetroRail. Can’t wait for those rolling trash cans stopping in front of Williams Tower, Neiman Marcus, BLVD Place, etc…You Go Houston!
    Houston’s oil-gas boom/great economy, notwithstanding, DFW is about to leave Greater Houston in the dust as the preferred Texas metro, thanks to Johnny Boy (Tom DeLay, Jr.) and his ilk. If Houston were smart, it would grow a pair and find a pro-rail republican in the 7th congressional to defeat dumbass Cubby and show him the door ‘Eric Cantor-style’, and GET ON WITH RAIL…before it’s too late. BUILD RAIL HOUSTON.
    Good for DART/Dallas…Mind The Doors Please…Next stop DFW International Airport!
    Excitement around D/FW Airport’s DART station begins to build

  • @Honest Truth, blah blah blah, that’s all we hear. There hasn’t been a single valid reason given to have this Victorian era train technology obstruct our streets in order to transport a few hundred peasants at an enormous cost to everyone else.

  • Honest Truth,

    You do know our main street line alone has higher ridership than all of DART rail? Then add our superior park-n-ride system which is more flexible and cost efficient than DART.

    If you only want to focus on the 1800s technology of rail, sure, we have less. But Houston moves more people than Dallas does on transit and is more flexible and accommodating to commuters through the HOV and HOT systems.

  • MH005- Take whatever you read in Culturemap with a bucket full of salt.

  • Honest truth: why are you pasting/spamming that on stories that have nothing to do to rail? You end up turning off people that might otherwise be interested.

  • Houston has come a long way on rail, I mean is light years ahead of Austin and San Antonio and actually has much better light rail cars than Dallas and frankly has better routes since ours actually goes down the middle of steets. I agree when much HT says, I mean Culbertson is a fat wind bag with zero vision and questionable taste in fashion, you wonder how a district that once boasted Bush Sr and Archer now has this moron. I honestly have no clue why this district, full of intelligent people, keeps sending this lobotomy back to congress year after year. Look, someday we will get the University Line and I’m just as sick as you are about that busline down Post Oak, but let’s give Metro some credit for getting a lot right. They’ve come a long way, baby.

  • Cody
    July 10, 2014 at 1:02 pm
    Honest truth: why are you pasting/spamming that on stories that have nothing to do to rail? You end up turning off people that might otherwise be interested.
    Pardon me, it was posted on the other story by mistake, and I couldn’t delete it.

  • commonsense
    July 10, 2014 at 12:01 pm
    @Honest Truth, blah blah blah, that’s all we hear. There hasn’t been a single valid reason given to have this Victorian era train technology obstruct our streets in order to transport a few hundred peasants at an enormous cost to everyone else.
    B!tch, b!tch, b!tch, cry, cry, cry. Commonsense, try to have some. our comment is ridiculous, and you know it. You, Culberson and your ilk (the backwards, good ‘ole boy mentality), have become tired and stale with that nonsense and blanket generalizations. Do only peasants ride rail in America? In cities with rail, the peasants ride together with the poor, the middle-class, the wealthy and the rich. Get out of your hill-billy Houston confines and travel the world to see how 21st century mass transit is transforming world class cities…like Dallas.

  • @Honest Truth, it’s exactly because I have traveled the world and lived in parts of the world I can tell with full confidence that Houston DOES NOT need rail. And Dallas is not even a blip on a radar of the world, much less a world class city.

  • commonsenseJuly 10, 2014 at 3:58 pm
    @Honest Truth, it’s exactly because I have traveled the world and lived in parts of the world I can tell with full confidence that Houston DOES NOT need rail. And Dallas is not even a blip on a radar of the world, much less a world class city.
    By your train of thought, we clearly understand how people insanely obsessed with the horse & buggy (the culberites of yesteryear) were critical of the Model T. Thank God civility prevailed, and it will also prevail with the University Line and further rail expansion, including to our two international airports. Even if it were not a necessity (AND IT IS), it’s definitely a very popular transportation alternative favored by a majority of Houston’s citizenry, and ‘Fatboy’ is obstructing the will of the people and hindering Houston for personal gain.
    Dallas may only be half the size of Houston, but at the moment, Dallas’ blip/rail is much bigger than Houston’s. If it were up to you, Houston wouldn’t have cars today…in 2014 we’d still be traveling throughout Houston in horse & buggy. Thank God civility trumps insanity. Continue to Build Rail Houston: it’s insane not to.

  • @Honest Truth, if you were talking about switching to flying cars or Star Trek style transporter, you may have had a point, but you’re talking about going back into the 18th century. Trains are for cities where people live on top of each other in tenaments and can’t afford automobiles. Here in Houston we live far and wide and with lots of land and everybody can afford a car. Not a penny for the rail!

  • Look, we have rail and it will continue to expand. I appreciate that many don’t like rail, but we have majority rule and most people in Houston support Light Rail. Maybe it’s time to move back to Timbuktu. I agree that Houston is far closer to a world class city than Dallas, tho neither will ever be mistaken for NYC or London.