Downtown Living Tax Breaks Almost All Gone; Dog Park at Montrose and Allen Pkwy. Opens This Weekend

spur 527

Photo of Spur 527: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool


5 Comment

  • Re Billboards: I miss billboards. I know a lot of people hate them, but I grew up here in the 70s and they were woven into the fabric of my childhood. I wish they would build more of them.

  • Downtown Living Tax break is nothing short of communistic approach to trying to ‘grow’ an obviously obsolete part of the City for hipsters, liberals, socialists, and lets go ahead and insert Obama into that somehow. I oppose the construction of Harvard filled Ivory towers in what is ‘clearly’ a dying part of the city.
    The Woodlands Commercial Tax break is a great use of capitalism to reward, real, hard working Americans. I support this venture to construct a new business district, where offices, shops, residents, are centralized around a certain location with significant transportation options.

  • @NotCommonsense You get me every time.


    The Katy Boardwalk is an interesting proposition. I, too, enjoy the smell of stagnant runoff! I read something a while back about the idea of it being a wildlife preserve. Eh…

  • The Woodlands tax incentives in order to bring in more sales tax is questionable. I think we are already getting to a zero-sum game, where new will just cannibalize old.

  • Regarding billboards, it’s great news reading of the progress being made. If only this much attention were given to the hideous appearance of the entire North Freeway, which is the first thing many travelers see after landing in Houston. As for anyone who would blight Houston’s landscape with billboards, may they find another city, somewhere else in the solar system, to trash out. These perpetrators are themselves worthless trash.