Eatzi’s Eyes Houston Return; Say Goodbye to UH Downtown’s Gator Wall

Photo of Brays Bayou: Jan Buchholtz via Swamplot Flickr Pool


3 Comment

  • Pearland and TMC: So that explains all the work being done on 288. I can still recall when that route was a pleasant commute- up to around 10 years ago.

  • “Within most of these largely populated areas, the suburbs have been growing faster in terms of both job and population numbers since 2010. According to the U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Postal Service, within the 51 U.S. metro areas with more than a million people, average neighborhood density rose in only 10 of them.”

    The burbs are always going to be more attractive to family types and Texas has been handling lots of migratory influx for years so no surprise that most end up out there. Also, increasing density isn’t a great measuring stick since urban nabes stop densifying once all the lots have become townhoused, at least for a few decades until a mid/highrise phase kicks in. And the urbanist trend has to be a fad to some degree anyway. Texas allows for trend changes while those cities married to urban density might be in for a nasty divorce at some point.

  • Lunch at Eatzi’s was the lone bright spot on my short tenure of working in the Galleria area. What a soulless slice of town. Since returning my employ to Downtown, it’s likely my outlook has changed, but I would love the option of revisiting Eatzi’s, but my guess is that it will fit better in the outer burbs.