Photo of the Chevron building at 1400 Smith St.: Bill Barfield via Swamplot Flickr Pool

04/25/13 8:30am
by Meredith Deliso

7 Comment

  • Ahh. Houston: one of the greenest, most polluted cities in the nation.

  • yeah, i loved that punchline there at the end. hard to pat yourself on the back when the greenest thing you can do is simply move somwhere else.

  • Well, if I learned anything from Soylent Green, it’s that a very polluted place can also be very green. There are plenty of negative comparisons between Houston and other major American cities, but at least now we can say we beat them to the (*cough* dystopian) future.

  • The U.S.A.’s 4th largest city, the one with all of the refineries and chemical plants has some of the most polluted air? Who woulda thunk it? -rolling eyes-

  • The greenest city article title is incredibly deceiving. If you actually read the article, we’re given a #10 ranking, which the publication gave us essentially because we’re “most improved.” Even in considering the most improved aspect, they appear to have been taking into account programs that haven’t even come to fruition yet, like One Bin for All. So I guess a better ranking title would have been “Most improved for being slightly less atrocious than before and planning other nice things that may or may not happen.”

  • KT, you’ve found our new city slogan:
    “Houston… Land of dynamic contrasts!”
    –The most diverse city in the country…but full of rednecks!
    –The greenest, most polluted city in the USA!
    –A car-centric city with the most ridden rail per mile!
    I could go on and on……