It’s a Good Time To Be a Maker of Floodgates; Outfitting Offices for Millennials; High-Income Housing Subsidies

Photo of Joe O’Connell’s Wings Over Water in front of the GRB: Marc Longoria via Swamplot Flickr Pool


12 Comment

  • Re: Museum Park Homeowners Complain of Front-Porch Defecation, Panhandling
    We all have to deal with this to an extent. Trashy neighbors. I live in a middle class apartment complex. Our residents are on the lower-middle class side. My neighbors use the public ground as their personal ashtray, even though there are ashtrays provided. Smokers keep their area clean of course. I deal with visitors of the complex who leave fast food bags in the parking lot. Who wants Burger King bags inside of their cars? It’s just easier to litter. Not their problem if they ditch their trash outside of their cars. Somebody else will clean up their mess. Finally comes the cheap beer cans and bottles. The type of people who litter always drinks cheap beer. Budweiser, Busch, Miller, and Coors Light which also gets littered onto the side of the street. If you’re drinking and driving, who wants to keep Bud Light in their cars as evidence? Just toss the beer can out the window!

    Renters, Give me a break! Apartments, set some standards! How about a no smoking ordinance? We all don’t smoke, but we all have to deal with their litter!

  • Bums have been living under that bridge near the Fiesta and Sears for many years. It’s funny how it never made the news until the area gentrified. The news didn’t care about bums bothering poor homeowners/renters, but, now that there are $500K+ houses nearby, it is suddenly a problem.

  • Re: Gentrified
    Would be nice if the apartments I live in went under gentrification. I couldn’t afford to live here anymore, but the neighborhood would be cleaner. We can’t have pretty landscaping because people would use the flower beds as their ashtrays. Parenting. How you were raised and brought up determines what type of “class” you are.

  • “Tokyo’s $2B Underground Anti-Flood System Prepared for Floods ‘Beyond Anything We’ve Ever Seen’ ”
    Harvey: “Hold my beer”
    (sorry, I hate memes, but it the ‘hold my beer’ one seemed like a good fit here…)

  • Re: Homeless Under 59/69

    Well, it will come to an end sooner or later as 59/69 thru this area is scheduled to be dug down and replaced in a few years. The city until then could fence in the areas under the elevated freeway like they did at Main and Fannin … the homeless HATE fences, even if only closed on three sides as they look like traps to them. We will have to wait and see ….

  • Re: Museum Park Front-Porch Defecation
    I guess we can “thank” the ACLU for getting a restraining order on the City’s new ordinance against the homeless. Overall, this doesn’t really help the homeless or the taxpaying homeowners in the area. A true lose-lose outcome.
    At least with the ordinance, the homeowners had a fighting chance at clearing the Wheeler homeless camp.

  • HEB- I take offense to your cheap beer drinkers stereotype. I recycle all of my Old Milwaukee cans and save water by peeing in my empty Coors bottles before throwing them down the storm drain.

  • @Bum’s the Word: ACLU and Planned Parenthood are my favorite organizations of 2017.

  • Tokyo’s underground flood control measures are what happens in a depressed economy that tries to spend money to progress. Result, neat facility with an economy still in the doldrums with record debt.

  • I miss going into a restaurant and asking for the non smoking section. Thats how I was raised. Also remember when ash trays were on every seat handle on an airplane. Things have become just a bit too sensative these days…. later

  • @ Matthew Wylie: read the article to get the facts that contradict your post.

  • Flood control mega projects might actually make some sense given the price of land in cities like Tokyo and Osaka. It may seem totally warped (and it may very well be, in fact), but even in second- and third-tier third-world Asian cities, the price of suburban land allocated for ordinary houses can be worth more than even the most desirable block of dirt in Houston’s CBD.