Mural at former Heights Finance Station Post Office, 1050 Yale St., Houston Heights

The recently dumped Heights Finance Station post office at Yale and 11th streets was treated to a makeover this month, as demolition looms on the horizon. If all goes as planned, the building will eventually be brushed aside to make way for the younger-and-likely-prettier Heights Central Station mixed-use shopping center headed for the site; until then, it’s playing canvas for some Houston graffiti artists, including Wiley Robertson (one of the usual suspects behind giant love notes spotted around town).

A reader sends a fresh batch of lunchtime snapshots of the mural, which seems to have been wrapped up in the last few days:


Mural at former Heights Finance Station Post Office, 1050 Yale St., Houston Heights

Robertson’s signature shows up on the mural, along with a few others:

Mural at former Heights Finance Station Post Office, 1050 Yale St., Houston Heights

A recurring figure of artist ACK!’s also makes an agape appearance to give a slightly belated valentine to a purple-haired figure bearing the handle AnnaVee Wins:

Mural at former Heights Finance Station Post Office, 1050 Yale St., Houston Heights

Photos: Phillip Wells


02/29/16 3:00pm
by Christine Gerbode

One Comment

  • yup, that dude with the green hair pretty much sums up the service that place used to dish out. i always wondered if it was a DMV employee training facility.