COMMENT OF THE DAY: HOUSTON’S HQ2 REALITY SEASON FINALE “I feel like this was a really bad episode of The Bachelor.” [Mr.Clean19, commenting on Amazon Will Not Be Delivering HQ2 to Houston] Photo of former KBR Building 3: Swamplot inbox
COMMENT OF THE DAY: HOUSTON’S HQ2 REALITY SEASON FINALE “I feel like this was a really bad episode of The Bachelor.” [Mr.Clean19, commenting on Amazon Will Not Be Delivering HQ2 to Houston] Photo of former KBR Building 3: Swamplot inbox
Houston is the kid who never showed up for class, didn’t comprehend any of the homework, didn’t understand how to prepare for the test and still expected to walk away with an A. If only it were that easy.
anon22: Totally disagree. I think Houston checked most boxes.
Somehow Houston even got snubbed from list of “the biggest snubs” – – when even El Paso/Juarez had a better shot, it stands to reason that, in hindsight, mere box-checking probably wasn’t going to impress.
Houston, amid all the positive attributes it could offer Amazon, lives in the shadow of the ignoble image cast by the fossil fuel industry. Tech companies situate in progressive, non-conservative sites where creative & open-minded thinkers thrive. That Austin & Dallas can survive Amazon’s first cut says alot about what kind of workforce gravitates to an industry that requires its best thinkers to practice extreme cognitive dissonance, conformity, & political conservatism.
There was no way Amazon was going to announce they were coming here after Harvey – even if Jeff Bezos went to River Oaks elementary.
Amazon’s just preparing for the eventuality of being split up for antitrust reasons. They can’t bring any positive value, I am sorry to say. Being ready to compete for Trump’s infrastructure plan dollars will be much more beneficial in the short, medium and long run.