Minute Maid Park’s New Center Field; The Logistics of a Cat Cafe in Houston


Photo: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool


6 Comment

  • That closing cost…..

  • 1.24 million dollars to rename a few schools? A total waste of taxpayer money, especially when a few cans of spray paint would have done the job.

  • the bbq joint in texas serving california meat? please.

  • We do these regulations about eating with non-human animals exist? We prepare food and eat around filthy filthy humans all the time. Do we imagine that other animals are less clean than we are?

  • I lived a block down on Mount Vernon 30 years ago back when that corner was a lot sketchier. I don’t think I could stomach a meal in the building that used to be Studz News.

  • I see the HISD SJWs are patting themselves on the backs again.