How about knocking back a few antiques with us, then enjoying the show?
How about knocking back a few antiques with us, then enjoying the show?
Could this be another poorly filled-out demolition permit? A 1962 mansion and some other ill-fated structures are on today’s clean up list.
HISD goes ahead with plans, and 1958 Yates will come tumbling down.
That mod teardown estate, a 1970s office complex on Kirby, among some unlucky others.
Deflating and dismantling, one house at a time.
Cleaning up on Main St., and other effacing anecdotes.
Not humungous enough in River Oaks, and other woeful tales of inadequacy.
A demure mod professional building ends decades of surface-lot squatting, and other tales of tearing-down:
Already replatted for your convenience, and other tales of change.
A couple more places not to park your car, among other larger exploits.
Destruction and renewal on our fair city’s streets, and other regenerative tales.
Fresh off the grill for your ‘dozing pleasure.
Sweeping up what the old Spanky’s Pizza left behind, and other Houston housekeeping.
Gotta assume that waste will be laid waste.
Today: Washington Ave gets tiring, and other Houston adjustments.