Daily Demolition Report: De Boll Wrecking

Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.

Start the week off right, Houston, with these smackers:



Photo of 1110 Archer St.: HAR

3 Comment

  • Better build up high on that Archer site. Little White Oak Bayou is right behind it.

  • Wow, that Indiana house made today’s demolition report, but it was torn down over the weekend? I assume the permit was granted on Friday? I kind of wish there were pictures of the interior on the HAR page. That place seemed to have the same people living there for years. As well as family of Siamese cats under the house. I wonder if they were rescued?

  • “Permits? We don’t need no stinkin’ permits!”
    This here’s Houston, son. If you have $$ do whatever the *&#^ you want, and worry about the paperwork later.
    (If you zoom in on Google Street, you can see one of the abovementioned cats relaxing on the porch roof.)