Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday city offices were open. Today’s report covers permits issued last Wednesday.

The Old Sixth Ward gets a little younger. Plus: A little ditty ends in the valley. It’s all in the list.


Commercial Structures


12/01/08 9:12am

2 Comment

  • I think 2016 Lubbock is the house that had serious fire a few months back. Major structural damage, too.

  • Brad is correct. That house was the one that caught fire, and does have major structural damage. The neighborhood fully supports it being demolished as it is dangerous to those surrounding it. In addition, the building at Union and Henderson that lost it’s roof during Hurricane Ike, and suffered some structural damage is also expected to be coming down in the near future. We had hoped the owner would stabilize it a number of years ago since it is a former store and built almost to the lot line. Once it s demoed, the set back kicks in and they will loose a fair amount of the lot since it is on a corner.