2216 Salisbury St., Glendower Court

Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.

We have a few houses and counterparts just in before the holiday weekend.



Photo of 2216 Salisbury St.: HAR

05/27/16 8:00am
by Lauren Meyers

3 Comment

  • Thank goodness the houses on W. 24th got smashed. It’s hard to believe people had been living in them until recently, given their exceptionally poor condition.

  • 5702 N. Braeswood was my “Vision Board” home. I would plan our family’s move while walking along the bayou. I toured it while it was for sale, which it was for a long time. It sold before we were ready to move (and it was a few tens of thousands out of our price range), and I was happy for those who would make it their home. So sad. My heart goes out to the family and all others who’ve flooded.

  • The house at 2216 Salisbury was once the home of famed Houston newspaper writer Sigman Byrd.