Daily Demolition Report: Nett Loss

The Hills are dead. And these houses are falling:


Commercial Structures


Photo of 5200 Nett St.: HAR

3 Comment

  • This is a couple houses down the street from us. We’ve noticed that it’s been gutted and apparently vandalized for months so glad to see that it’s finally going to be resolved. Hope it’s another $400K plus home going in (happy to see neighborhood property values rise).

  • Glad to see the Greenhouse/barn/whatever it is behind this house on Nett go, too – it was a magnet for various animals (including my curious dog, when she got out), and random vagrants looking for a place to stay for the night.

    @Mark L – we must be neighbors, I live a couple houses away from this house, too. :)

  • I’m currently a squatter IN this house and am sad to see it go. Someone please protest the demo of this historic landmark.