Headlines: Galveston’s Growing Cruise Ship Terminals; Houston’s Air-Conditioning History

Photo of Lawndale Art Center mural: Candace Garcia

7 Comment

  • Psst! Bayport Cruise Terminal is already built and completely vacant! Pass the word!

  • Hey SL: Why the heck did they build that thing then? Did someone not do a study to see if there was demand for the Bayport Cruise Terminal before commiting to the project. I am afraid that I am ignorant here because it seems smart to have a cruise terminal closer in to the Houston area. Considering how screwed traffic on I-45 South is even on weekends, you think it would be rational to not have to deal with traffic going into Galveston.

  • League City renovates the facade of their City Hall and the newspaper runs a story about it with a photo of a dude working at his desk. Must have been too hot to take any pictures outside.

  • Bayport adds to much time (money) for the cruise lines. Stupid idea.

  • to does not = too. Sorry.

  • Hanabi-chan,

    Boat traffic on the Channel takes much longer than car traffic on 45.

  • Newsflash! Being stuck in traffic on 45 S is an incy wincy bit different than being stuck in traffic on a cruise ship, drink in hand while sunning on the deck.