Headlines: U-Haul to Houston; Hush Won’t Hush

Photo of Houston Ship Channel: Jackson Myers via Swamplot Flickr Pool

3 Comment

  • The lack of a good forward looking water plan (and more importantly the $$ to pay for it) is the number one threat to Texas’ future health today. And it’s such a huge albatross to deal with, along with the fact that it isn’t at crisis level yet, means that politicians are not going to deal with the problem until it’s too late.

  • Haha suck it Dallas – we got more U-Hauls than you!

  • For the life of me, I can’t understand why the bifurcated Kuykendahl helps people walk to the planned grocery store more easily. Creekside Village residents will now have to cross all northbound Kuykendahl lanes, whereas with a design that a normal human being would propose, they would have to cross no lanes of Kuykendahl.