Hologram of Roy Orbison at Smart Financial Center: One Night Only


Tickets go on sale this Friday for the digital likeness of Roy Orbison that’s making a tour stop at the Smart Financial Center in Sugar Land on October 26, reports the Chronicle‘s Joey Guerra. It’s part of a 28-concert run the hologram will be performing throughout the US, to be followed by a 2019 tour in Australia. Houston’s own BASE Hologram — headquartered at 3009 Post Oak across from the waterwall — developed the laser technology that imitates Orbison. Aside from him, the rest of the band is real (it’s London’s Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra in the video above from a UK performance in April) and they’ve even got a rapport going with the ghost singer. “Between songs,” reads the tour website, “you will clap your hands numb as he interacts with the other musicians and reacts to you in the audience.” [Houston Chronicle; more info] Video: Jai Freeman

One Comment

  • Without trying to come across as too much of a nay sayer, but I have to ask someone to explain the appeal of this to me.

    I assume if I were to google it I could likely find no less than a dozen or more Roy Orbison impersonators scattered around the country, several of whom could do a more than passable impression of the man, especially if you stand him (or her I suppose?) up in front of a solid, well rehearsed band.

    But, instead, holograms? Sure, why not?