MASSAGE STUDIOS OF ILL REPUTE So many houses of prostitution in Houston . . . but who’s counting? “Because arresting prostitutes or customers barely slows the actual sex trade, investigators have concentrated on owners, bringing money laundering charges that carry stiffer penalties or using state nuisance laws to close their doors. But it takes months to put a case together as officers pose as customers and prostitutes. Even when a final conviction takes out a business, someone else can move in to the buildings along Houston’s highways and neighborhoods to ply their wares, Houston Police Sgt. Mark Kilty said. ‘There’s so much money involved in sex, in the sale of sex, that’s why you have so many establishments,’ Kilty said. He estimated that there are over 100 brothels in Houston. Others have put the number as high as 300. ‘Because they’re illegal they’re hard to track,’ Kilty said.” [Houston Chronicle]
Doesn’t surprise me. I really don’t care that they exist, my problem is the ones that force underage girls or illegal immigrants into prostitution.
Why can’t I find them on Google Maps?
Yes, not a problem unless they are two houses down from your house. I’ve got about 8 within a five block radius.
And that’s why I’m moving away from Houston.
Where the hell are you living where you have 8 of them?
I’m not telling, just guess.
Yes, the big problem with a lot of these places is that the women there are forced to prostitute themselves – many trafficked.
Hoo boy, is this the next wave of the Neighborhood Guessing Game: Proximity to Whorehouses?
Is there a Google Maps mashup for whorehouses?
I’m going to guess somewhere in the vicinity of Richmond @ S. Shepherd for miss_msry’s location… but only because (a) I know the area, (b) there are WAY more than 8 “massage” or “spa” places nearby, and (c) Google Maps shows me 20 “massage” places within 2 miles, some of which may actually be staffed by actual RMTs.
Places like these won’t be closing anytime soon, it is after all, the world’s oldest profession. However, the local government and the residents can certainly work together to give these businesses a tough time. The store will close if no one wants to buy.