Seen on the Street: Get Your Art On

In this edition of our occasional photo feature, a new shipment of street art opens around town. First up: this bit of spray-painted enthusiasm for BP cleanup efforts, installed in an impromptu outdoor gallery at the corner of Missouri and Commonwealth in Montrose.

What’s next to see?


How about the new graffiti covering the Westheimer patio railing at Brasil, original home turf of notorious yarnbombers Knitta Please?

On JFK Blvd. by IAH, the first of 3 splashy Dennis Oppenheim sculptures tips its hat to new Houston visitors:

Don’t worry, y’all: This little spill’s been capped.

Photos: Mike G. Switzer (BP garbage man); the_trose (tag by Magda Sayeg); Metalab (Radiant Fountains)