Almost 1,000 petitioners want to create a new city called Spring-Klein: “‘I called the state and they said there was no city of Spring, and that Spring was in the city of Houston’s extraterritorial jurisdiction,’ [Najjia’s Fine Furniture owner Earl] Hodge said. ‘There has to be at least 400,000 people out here, and that has to be equal to the size of the fifth or sixth-largest city in Texas.’ Hodge said he created the petition to test the waters and has found that many are supportive of an effort that would prevent another city, such as Houston, Conroe or a possible future city of The Woodlands, from swallowing up the Spring Klein community.” [Houston Chronicle, via HAIF]

07/17/08 1:40pm

2 Comment

  • Good news. I wish them well. I’m sure the residents of the Woodlands will watch too as they are thinking of the same thing.

    Outside of the Woodlands, the city really isn’t anticipating any new annexations, but residents in communities such as spring organizing early is a good thing.

  • How exactly will “Spring-Klein” be leaving the Houston ETJ?

    Also why do people here in the south love to have two names for everything! Why not just call it Klein (small in German), or Spring – what the “old town” was named after.

    Perhaps they can call it Small Spring, Texas. Or even better – Sprung, Texas.