12/30/10 11:00am

Who won what in this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate? You’ll find the answers here!

This announcement caps an almost month-long process that began with calls for nominations in 10 separate award categories. After the official nominees were presented, voting was opened up to all readers.

Winners of the 2010 Swampies: We salute you for your unique contributions to this city. It takes a lot to stand out in Houston’s real estate landscape. On Swamplot, Houston real-estate fans have noticed you!

Big thanks are due to the many Swamplot readers who took time to nominate, evaluate, vote, and comment on competitors in each category. It’s your descriptions and observations we’ve featured below. Does this honor roll of award winners — along with the list of runners up — provide a good snapshot of this year in Houston real estate? Let us know what you think!

The winners of the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate are . . .


12/29/10 6:21pm

The polls have closed and the votes have been tallied. Now here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! Well, almost: It’s time to announce the second-place winners of the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate!

But first, a note of thanks — to all of you who voted, commented, nominated, campaigned, and cajoled in support of your favorite candidates. You made this extended moment of reflection, recognition, and honor possible. The Swampies belong to you!

You know what they say about runners-up: Should the actual award winners (they’ll be announced soon) be unable to fulfill their duties for any reason, these second-place winners will be ready and willing to serve! Let’s have a big round of digital applause, please, for the 2010 runners-up in the Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate — the Swampies!

They are:


12/27/10 11:57am

Only a few hours are left to get your votes in for this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. The polls close today at 5 pm. Is there enough time for a come-from-behind candidate to win? Maybe, if enough supporters cast each of their 4 possible votes to sweep it over the top.

Without your votes, will the best candidates win all these categories? We need your help to make the 2010 Swampies the best they can be.

12/24/10 1:59pm

We hope all of you enjoy your Christmas holiday! You can probably guess the little gift Swamplot is still handing out: A chance to choose the winners of this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. This year dozens of highly qualified nominees are competing for your votes in 10 juicy award categories. They are:

(You can also get to all these categories from this single page.) What winners would you choose? You can vote up to 4 times for each category — once each following one of these methods:

The polls close for all categories at 5 pm this Monday, December 27th. Have fun deciding!

12/22/10 12:09pm

The official nominees for all 10 categories of this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate have been announced, and voting is now well under way!

For each category this year you have 4 places you can vote. But you don’t have to choose one of them — you can have more influence on the outcome by voting in all 4 if you like:

  • In a comment to the official ballot for the category
  • In an email you send to Swamplot
  • Using Twitter (it’ll help if you use the format spelled out here)
  • In a wall post on Swamplot’s Facebook page

Here, in one convenient place, are links to the entertaining but official ballots for all 10 categories:

Got a question about voting? You can probably find the answer in this brief voting guide.

Many of you have voted already. But there’s still time to round up more support for your favorites! Come-from-behind candidates, now’s your chance! All it takes is a little email, Facebook or forum post, or tweet to stir up your friends. Explain your vote clearly when you make it — maybe that’ll inspire a groundswell of support!

Voting in all categories will end at 5 pm next Monday, December 27th.

12/21/10 10:17pm

It’s come down to this: the final category in the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. This time, we set about to choose the Greatest Moment in Houston Real Estate of the past year. The official nominees have now been posted. Now you get to pick the winner.

Remember, this year Swamplot is letting readers vote once using each separate approved method — that’s 4 votes in all for each award category. Declare your vote in a comment to this post, in an email to Swamplot HQ, in a Tweet, or on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook page. The complete voting rules are here. When you vote, please tell us why you made your choice. We’ll include some of the best explanations for the winners when we announce them next week.

The official nominees for the Greatest Moment in Houston Real Estate of 2010 are . . .


12/21/10 12:02pm

Please vote for one of these official nominees in this, the second-to-last category of the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. It’s for the Neighborhood of the Year.

You can vote for your favorite nominee any or all of 4 ways: in a comment beneath this post, in an email to Swamplot, from Twitter, or in a post on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook page. Here are the official voting rules. If you want to start a campaign on Facebook or some online forum in support of your choice, go right ahead. Just make sure all the votes get in by 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

Which Houston-area neighborhood deserves to be called Neighborhood of the Year? Here are the official nominees:


12/21/10 9:48am

As of this morning, the official nominees have been announced and voting has begun for 8 of the 10 categories in this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate: Favorite Houston Design Cliché, Best Teardown, Parking Lot of the Year, Drive-Thru of the Year, Walmart of the Year, the Washington Ave Award, Most Improved Neighborhood, and the latest: Least Historic Neighborhood. Have you selected your favorites in each of those categories yet? Nominations closed for all categories at the end of last week. The official ballot for Neighborhood of the Year will be posted shortly; by the end of the day today, all categories will be open for your votes.

As we’ve mentioned, this year you’re allowed to vote up to 4 times for a nominee in each category — as long as you cast each vote in a category using a separate method: in a comment to the official ballot post, in an email to Swamplot, from Twitter, or in a wall post to Swamplot’s Facebook page. These rules give an obvious voting advantage to readers who really really want their favorite candidate to win, and who are persistent enough to help make it happen. But there are other ways of stretching your influence: Just let your friends know about the awards, and get them to vote too!

Even if the results in a particular category don’t matter to you much, please do vote and encourage your friends to vote too: The Swampies belong to you! More participation will make the results — which we’ll announce next week — a more accurate reflection of this city and the varying opinions of our readers. (Plus: The results will feature the best comments included by readers with their votes, so they’ll simply be more fun to read.)

If you can’t make all your voting decisions before the holiday, though, don’t sweat it. You’ll have a little bit of time after Christmas to get those last votes in: The polls will close at 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

12/20/10 10:05pm

The 8th category in the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate is now open for voting! Thanks to your nominations, we now have the official ballot for the Least Historic Neighborhood award.

Why should all those tiny historic districts get all the attention this year? Raise your voice and help us honor the local community that best exemplifies the rich tradition of non-historic-ness . . . itude. Or something like that. Anyway, vote for one of these nominees — in a comment below, in an email to Swamplot, in a Tweet, or on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook page — or all 4! (Yes, you’re allowed to vote once with each method for each category.)

Wanna start a campaign in support of your favorite candidate? Go right ahead! Just make sure all your votes come in before 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

The official nominees for Least Historic Neighborhood are . . .


12/20/10 8:10am

On we go with the “neighborhood” categories in the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate! This year, which little slice of Houston deserves to win the award for Most Improved Neighborhood?

The official nominees, culled from your choices and descriptions, are listed below. Now’s your chance to choose the winner! Add your vote to a comment below, send it in an email to Swamplot, announce it on Twitter, write it on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook page — or all 4! (That’s right, if you follow these rules, each of you can vote 4 times.) If you think you can drum up more support for your favorite candidate, go right ahead! Just make sure all votes are in by 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

The nominees for Most Improved Neighborhood are . . .


12/17/10 8:56pm

And another category in the 2010 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate is now open for voting! This time it’s the Washington Ave Award. What does the award commemorate? Well, you tell us!

The official nominees — as nominated by Swamplot readers — are listed below. Now’s your chance to vote — which you can do up to 4 times if you follow our rules: once in a comment below, once in an email to Swamplot, once using Twitter, and once by writing it on the wall of Swamplot’s page on Facebook. That not enough for you? Then recruit your friends to vote, too! But make sure you get all the votes in by the deadline: 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

And now, the official nominees for the Washington Ave Award:


12/16/10 6:18pm

Here comes the storm! That would be Category 5 of the Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. This award will go to the nominee Swamplot readers consider to be Walmart of the Year.

You’ve got 4 votes to spend in this category: You can cast one of them in a comment at the bottom of this post, another in an email to Swamplot, another from Twitter, and another on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook fan page. (All the rules for voting are spelled out here.) If you want to help your favorite candidate win, start a campaign! The voting ends for this and all categories of the 2010 Swampies at 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

The official nominees for the 2010 Walmart of the Year are . . .


12/16/10 1:25pm

Only 2 categories remain open for nominations in this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. But they’re the biggies: 2010’s Neighborhood of the Year and Greatest Moment in Houston Real Estate. If you’ve got a great suggestion for either award, you have until midnight tonight to get it in. And here’s a tip: Sure, it’s nice to get all those standard one-word nominations — like, say, “Katy!” But to make it onto the official ballot, a nominee needs something more: Your sharp and quotable explanation for why it deserves that particular award.

One by one, we’re posting the official slates of nominees for all the other categories. Four have been posted and opened for voting so far: Favorite Houston Design Cliché, Best Teardown, Parking Lot of the Year, and Drive-Thru of the Year. Next up: Walmart of the Year and the Washington Ave Award.

12/15/10 11:23pm

We are now ready to announce the official nominees for the 4th category in this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. What local institution deserves the title of Drive-Thru of the Year?

Let your votes be heard — all 4 of them! You’re allowed to vote once in a comment at the bottom of this post, once in an email to our super-top-secret email address, once through Twitter, and once on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook fan page. (You can read more about our crazy voting rules here.) If you want to swing the voting toward your favorite candidate, go ahead: Start an email or social-networking campaign. The polls for this and all categories in the 2010 Swampies will close at 5 pm on Monday, December 27th.

The official nominees for 2010 Drive-Thru of the Year are . . .


12/15/10 12:32pm

Did we mention you can vote up to 4 times in each category of this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate? That’s right: once in a comment to the official ballot post, once in an email to Swamplot, once from Twitter, and once on the wall of Swamplot’s Facebook page. You’ll find more details on how to do each (and how not to have your votes disqualified) here.

So it’s Wednesday. The official nominees have been announced and voting has begun in 3 categories so far: Parking Lot of the Year, Best Teardown, and Favorite Houston Design Cliché. Nominations closed last night for Walmart of the Year and the Washington Ave Award. We’ll be posting official ballots for those categories soon. Tonight at midnight, nominations will close for Most Improved Neighborhood and Least Historic Neighborhood. Do you have any last-minute suggestions for these categories? Or better yet: Can you contribute a smart and convincing explanation for why your choice deserves the award? (Really, who’s going to vote for a neighborhood just because its name is on the ballot?) Please add them now!