When the Astrodome Was a Mass Shelter; Biscuits Coming to Former Mango’s


Photo: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool


9 Comment

  • Soon, no meals other than brunch will be served in Montrose — it’s brunchrification

  • How did they manage to spend 12 million to put in a new wireless system? I know exactly what the high end components cost, and it doesn’t add up. I know there’s more to it than access points, but on the high end an AP costs $2000. 800 of those comes in at $1.6 million. cabling, network switches, DHCP server, captive portal, install, no way it cost $10.4 million for that.

  • What family saves $26,280 a year?

  • Paul, you’d be surprised just how easy it is to hit 20% savings rate when you’re making $131k/year. That kind of a salary would put you in the top 5% of Houston incomes.
    That whole article was useless though since it excluded taxes and doing the compare/contrast on income vs. property taxes is the only interesting part.

  • I’ve always aimed for – and told my kids – 10% to savings. Not 20.
    But maybe it’s the new reality with 401Ks not keeping pace.
    Be sure to have your 6-yr-old put 20% of lemonade-stand profit into a mutual fund.

  • Finest moment my ass. Am I the only one who remembers the utter destruction in the dome that ensued? And not only in the dome but also in every other venue that housed the Katrina “victims”?
    I have friends that were personally involved, being apartment owners that allowed some of the Katrina folks to stay in his empty apartments. His property was destroyed (toilets stopped up, sinks pulled off the walls, refrigerators stolen, etc) and FEMA was supposed to “settle” with them. They never were made whole again.
    I do not understand the mentality of that type crowd. And it wasn’t just in Houston, it was all over the U.S. Maybe it was frustration maybe boredom but whatever, some of those folks destroyed a lot of property with absolutely no accountability for it. Eckels sure doesn’t have a very good memory.
    Even the then Mayor, Bill White tired of all the criminal activity that took place here in the months following the hurricane named Katrina. Statistics showed the increase in all sorts of crime some months later and White publicly stated that if those criminals persisted, they could just leave Houston and go back wherever they came from.

  • Welcoming Katrina holdouts instead of insisting they moved North in their own state was one of the biggest blunders in Houston’s history and you were part of it, Robert Eckels. Who do you think you’re fooling?

  • Re: Family of 4 can live comfortably on lowest salary in Houston…
    I love how they have a “Suggested Income” figure so that one can bank $26,000+ a year. If they would “suggest” my employer paid me that $131,000+, I’d greatly appreciate it.
    Though, it would be hard to work at my desk over the gales of laughter coming from my boss’s office at that point. Seriously, a family of 4 is lucky to squirrel away 10% of their take-home pay since there are 4 people to support.

  • Exactly, Toastie. Could someone with real world, recent experience briefly explain the costs of upgrading the stadium technology—or, like most public projects, are a lot of other things are being done under the cover of a simple connection upgrade.