Until recently, a lot of “third shift workers on their way home” from the Maxwell House coffee plant 3 blocks up Milby St., reports John Nova Lomax in his recent Vice ode to the bar. (There’s no getting away with it under current regs, but — he adds — D&W used to be a 24-7 establishment.) “It was also a hit with weary cops and assistant district attorneys,” says Lomax. The coffee plant closed down over the summer, but the bar’s hours remain the same. [Vice; previously on Swamplot] Photo: Nathan F.
hey! lomax got his yelp review published on vice. proud of you, buddy!
There is nothing wrong with serving alcohol at 7am under current regulations. The trick is you have to have food available.
You can have a box of donuts on a table to open that early.
Montrose was/is known for 7am bar establishments. George’s on Fairview holds this tradition. The 611 Club use to do the same, but now it’s The Eagle.
Always popular with retired gays, nightshift workers, or people who have gone to sleep at all.
May it ever be so!
I’m trying to figure out how it’s a retired gay thing to drink at 7am.