Smaller homes in Montrose haven’t disappeared entirely over the last few years; they’ve just been busy knocking down interior walls and undergoing price-lifts. We’ve rustled up a few shy senior citizens from around the neighborhood for this weekend’s tour.

1737 Indiana St., Hyde Park, Montrose, Houston

Location: 1737 Indiana St.
Details: 2 bedrooms, 2 baths; 1,288 sq. ft.
Price: $275,000
The Scoop: Smallish 1930 cottage in nice condition on divided lot in Hyde Park. Built-in Mahogany bookshelves in Living Room; beamed ceiling in Dining Room. No garage. Just listed.
Open House: Sunday, 2-5 pm

The tour continues . . .


1655 Colquitt St., Lancaster Place, Montrose, Houston

Location: 1655 Colquitt St.
Details: 2-3 bedrooms, 1 bath; 1,552 sq. ft.
Price: $326,000
The Scoop: 1925 bungalow in Lancaster Place, near the Menil. Creaky-looking one-car garage, workshop area, and garage apartment in back. On market since September, when it listed for $23K more.
Open House: Sunday, 2-4 pm

1106 Bomar St., Rosedale, Montrose, Houston

Location: 1106 Bomar St.
Details: 3 bedrooms, 2 baths; 1,308 sq. ft.
Price: $389,000
The Scoop: 1926 bungalow in Rosedale, cutified to compete with looming neighborhood townhouses; Living Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen now open to each other. New deck with built-in grill and garage in back. On the market since the new year.
Open House: Sunday, 1-3 pm

1508 Kipling St., Mandell Place, Montrose, Houston

Location: 1508 Kipling St.
Details: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath; 1,455 sq. ft.
Price: $459,000
The Scoop: Renovated 1920 Mandell Place bungalow with small pool, one-car garage, and sprinkler system. Listed two weeks ago.
Open House: Sunday, 2-4 pm

1610 Missouri St., Cherryhurst, Montrose, Houston

Location: 1610 Missouri St.
Details: 3 bedrooms, 2 bath; 1,390 sq. ft. plus 560-sq.-ft. garage apartment
Price: $489,900
The Scoop: Brick Cherryhurst bungalow redo with wide front porch and traditional stainless-steel-and-granite Kitchen; undergoing slow-motion flip. Two-car garage under apartment in back. Listed since August — originally for $40K more, but the price hasn’t budged since October.
Open House: Saturday & Sunday, 2-5 pm

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