The 2011 Swampies: (Almost) Last Call for Nominations

Last night, nominations closed for 2 more categories in this year’s Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate. The ballots in only 3 categories remain open, but they’re biggies: 2011’s Best Neighborhood Upgrade, Neighborhood of the Year, and Greatest Moment in Houston Real Estate. If you’ve got a great suggestion for any of these award categories, you have just a short time left to get it to us (until midnight tonight for the first 2 and until midnight Thursday night for Greatest Moment). And here’s a tip: Sure, it’s nice to get all those standard one-word nominations — like, say, “Katy!” But to make it onto the official ballot, a nominee needs something more: Your unique and quotable explanation for why it deserves that particular award.

One by one, we’re now posting the official ballots for the other categories. We’ve got 2 of them available for voting already: Favorite Houston Design Cliché and Best Demolition. Have you voted yet? Next up: Best Parking Lot Dining Experience.