Simon Says Don’t Bring Your Guns to the Galleria

SIMON SAYS DON’T BRING YOUR GUNS TO THE GALLERIA Nieman Marcus Interior, Galleria, Houston Galleria manager Greg Noble released a statement last week on developer Simon Property’s decision not to allow open carry on Galleria premises: “As a private property owner, Simon will continue to enforce its existing policy of not allowing possession of any weapon on its property whether concealed or displayed openly, other than licensed weapons carried by law enforcement personnel. Once the law goes into effect, any shopper in possession of a weapon will be individually notified of Simon’s existing policy by a member of the security or management team and asked to comply.” Olivia Pulsinelli of the Houston Business Journal also notes that grocery chains H-E-B, Whole Foods, and Randall’s have posted the signage required to refuse open carry; so far, Kroger’s has not. [HBJ, previously on Swamplot] Photo of Nieman Marcus in the Galleria: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool

6 Comment

  • As a CHL holder I think open carry is unnecessary and just bad manners. Having said that, Galleria has the wrong signage to legally prevent anyone from carrying a concealed weapon with a CHL permit. The gun crossed out sign or words saying no weapons are meaningless in the eyes of the law. It has to be a very specific 30.06 sign and must be posted on EVERY single entrance door, which they do not.

  • Wow, look at you saying something entirely reasonable that I agree with. But yeah, need to get the signage right if it’s wrong, because some people will push the boundaries as far as legally possible given the chance, like those morons who did the open carry march through the 5th ward.

  • Of course, Simon’s intention to personally notify anyone with a firearm obviates the need for a 30.06 or 30.07 sign, but seems like a lot of extra effort. I am still waiting for someone to challenge Whole Foods non-compliant signs.

    I agree that open carry is bad manners, and unnecessary unless you want to be the first target of a bad guy. I doubt many open carry folks who aren’t police officers use a holster that’s resistant to somoene trying to take the pistol by surprise.

  • Does River Oaks District allow open carry?

  • Jogged the Memorial loop trail yesterday with my holster and 9. Applying lots of cream today.

  • Open carry is how we protest and show loudly and proudly that the gun culture in this country is alive and well and growing in numbers and let people know yes you do in fact have the RIGHT to carry a firearm on your person.
    FIGHTING TYRANNY AND FIGHTING FOR YOU RIGHTS THAT MIND YOU ARE BEING TAKEN INCH BY INCH EVERY DAY BY TRAITORS, STANDING UP FOR YOU !@#$ING BIRTHRIGHT, IS NOT “BAD MANNERS”!!!!!! us gun owners need to be open carrying every chance we get and if a store wont let you shop there because your exercising your 2ndA rights then they are AMERICAN the are the ENEMY, leave them a 1 star review every where and let them know im not going to do business with you because your UN-American and obviously give 0 !@#$s about what this country stands for !@!# u, maybe word it a little better but that is about the proper response to that kinda non sense.

    -Alex Jones