Comment of the Day: All Houston Floodwater Backs Up in the Same Drain

COMMENT OF THE DAY: ALL HOUSTON FLOODWATER BACKS UP IN THE SAME DRAIN Bathtub“Every editorial and study which I have seen fails to consider the plug in the bath tub. Every drop of rainwater in the metro area ultimately finds its way to Galveston Bay (and then the Gulf of Mexico). During the major flood events this spring, the tide was exceptionally high and there was a strong steady wind from the southeast. The waters of Clear Creek and the San Jacinto River were nearly three feet above normal before the first drops fell. There was no outlet for the rain and it backed up and up and up. Nothing had changed for this flood except the wind and the tide did not work in favor of Houston.” [Jardinero1, commenting on Cross-County Accounting for the Houston Flooding Puzzle] Illustration: Lulu

3 Comment

  • I was hoping an expert would contradict this comment. I’m no expert, but I don’t think the tide or wind were to blame for the floods. Pretty sure it was mostly the rain.

  • While this might be a great factor to consider, it’s hardly something we can do anything about in the case of a giant rain event.

    Something that we can control, however, is the maintaining of large areas of forest (for the slowing of water) and wetlands (for more slowing of water), installing permeable pavers, and maintenance and expansion of natural waterways. If the tide is high, this will help. If it’s not high, then it will help more.

    Let’s keep our eyes on things we can control.

  • Like i said before, the real solution is engineering and good land cover practices UPSTREAM. By the time the flow gets to this point there is no real answer. Just like your child and your 401k, the earlier in the life cycle you contribute, the more impactful that contribution will be further down.