Daily Demolition Report: As Is, Where Is

5515 Cranbrook Rd., Tanglewood

Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.

As seen from above, it doesn’t look good for down there.


Commercial Structures


Photo of 5515 Cranbrook Rd.: HAR

5 Comment

  • Regarding the Alabama Furniture teardown on Yale, I’ve seen contradictory future site plans- will the setback stay the same with parking on the side or rear, like in a real city, or are we getting more suburban-style, parking-in-the-front shopping center crap? Sure hope its the former.

  • @kginben,
    Most recent site plan shows the building fronting Yale w/ parking in the rear. Bernie’s is the only confirmed tenant. See here: http://edge-re.com/Property/Yale22nd
    The demo permit for the dry cleaners (2222 Yale) was issued yesterday. That building was originally rumored to be a ramen shop, but that part of the development doesn’t show up on the current site plan, and hasn’t for several months.

  • Question for the community, since the site was offline a while. Was there ever any kind of press write up on why so many homes in Meyerland did not come back from this last flood? I’m saddned by all the vacant lots, and on some streets off Endicott, there are clusters of teardowns. Was insurance + flood insurance essentially useless for all of those homeowners? Or was it the new City building requirements? Genuine questions, because I’ve been in the area 30 years and this seems to have been so much more devastating than Aliison (and Ike). Thank you.

  • Heather,

    It depends on if the homes were “bought-out” and which funds were used to do the buying.

    If Federal funds are used for a home buyout, then the property can never be developed for commercial or residential use again.

    If the buyout was using funds through the county, city, or state; then there is a chance of a reusing the lots. Money coming from local and not federal sources may still be technically federal money, but there are less restrictions on it.

    There are two other scenarios:
    Lots are in the floodway – if the lot is in the floodway, the city will not approve a new building permit if the home was substantially damaged
    Cost of compliance – if the home suffered more than 50% of its worth in damage, then a new home must be built to meet new floodplain guidelines, sometimes this leads to no rebuild.

  • Another house *just* outside the woodland heights historic district boundaries bites the dust (1009 Bayland) (although since this was a later-construction, slab foundation house, it would probably not have been considered a “contributing” structure, either way).