Daily Demolition Report: Castle Siege

1525 Castle Ct., Castle Court

Swamplot’s Daily Demolition Report lists buildings that received City of Houston demolition permits the previous weekday.

Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; demolition, a superabundance of strength.


Commercial Structures


Photo of 1525 Castle Ct.: HAR

2 Comment

  • Being demolished right now, probably will be pretty much be complete before this comment posts. Pretty sad seeing all the solid wood in this place go down; from floors to framing and the wide planks between the brick and framing. I don’t know the cost to restore this property as an income property, coupled with desirability versus being able to fit multiple townhouse on the lot, I am sure the later is more lucrative for a developer. It’s just interesting to see the materials used in a house built probably 80+ years ago versus the building materials used for what goes in it’s place.

  • I grew up in this house, age 3-18, in the downstairs address 1525 – back visiting & almost wish I hadn’t driven by. It was 2 steps up from the sidewalk to the walkway, then 3 steps up to the porch – floods were an amazing novelty we took pictures of from the yard. Good luck to whatever gets built there with the lot level to the sidewalk. It was a beautiful home, and I was one lucky little girl with a lot of wonderful memories.