Daily Demolition Report: Eating Princeton Club

421 E. 35th St., Independence Heights, Houston

Be sure to get your nutrition from all the basic food groups. Try this sample menu:


Commercial Structures


Photo of 421 E. 35th St.: HAR

4 Comment

  • Ugh that makes me sad about 938 W. 43rd. I remember seeing it on the market a while back. It stood out because when they renovated it the previous owners turned it into a 1 bedroom. Not very practical but it could have been undone and added on it.

  • The pictured house was going for $50K as a teardown on a 5K sf lot. Will McMansions start popping up in Independence Heights? The nabe will eventually succumb due to its nifty mid-loop location between the GOOFballs to the west and presigious Tampico Heights to the east.

  • @Dana-X : I think that area is several years away from the McMansion invasion. I haven’t been through in a few months but you couldn’t convince me to live there right now.

  • Yes, Tawnya, surely many folks feel the same way…but there’s usually enough people with a little more risk tolerance during a strong economy to allow redevelopment (townhomes) to creep in. Otherwise, how would the townhome-based redevelopment in EaDo, 3rd Ward, 1st Ward, etc. have ever gotten started? Those were awfully sketchy places too.