Daily Demolition Report: Hamblen Entertainment

Machines are rolling . . . everyone out of the pool, please.


Commercial Structures


Photo of 2504 Greensboro Dr.: HAR

4 Comment

  • Could someone explain how the Greensboro house sold for at least $220,000?

  • missmsry, according to HCAD, it’s now owned by Grocer’s Supply Co., which I suspect is the enormous shipping warehouse across the street from it. So I imagine they just kept offering higher prices until the former owners reached their price point.

  • yes Grocery Supply (Fiesta Owners) own a larger trucking yard all around this odd house. There may only be one or two homes left…Kids in that pocket get to go to Poe Elementary – a top school but also living in that house a colorful and 18 gear upbringing.

  • the slip & slide in the back makes me a little sad…i hope the kids who used to live there get to stay in the same schools…