Headlines: State Parks Budget Gap; Bellaire Food Cart ‘Threat’

Photo of alligators at Brazos Bend: Mike Fisher [license]

3 Comment

  • Bellaire principal is probably just mad that the income from his vending machines and school cafeteria is down because of this guy serving what the kids want…Back when I was in school the vending machines income was used for staff parties and other “perks” for the teachers/administrators..

  • Not directly Houston related, but with Houston actively trying to raise required “parking minimums” which will impact the viability of small businesses that made the montrose what it is today, thought it nice to see this article about New York having to do the exact opposite and institute more aggressive “parking maximums” so that the land can be developed more in line with the market demands.


  • forgot to note, i really like what Portland has to say on this matter and it does make a lot of sense, of course that depends on your perspective:

    “In Portland, for instance, maximums vary based on a development’s distance to transit; the closer you get to a bus or rail stop, the fewer parking spaces you’re allowed to build.”

    And you do have to think, why are we trying to raise parking minimums thus providing more incentives for car use while trying to build a rail system that will displace and make vehicular traffic worse.