Nesting Time: New Home of the Skeeter Eaters

Brazoria County correspondent Banjo Jones documents the local construction boom from his front porch:

I give them credit for their engineering skills, not to mention their “work ethic” to use a cliché from the tiresome sports parlance of our times.

They started by building a thin ledge composed of moist red dirt. That base went up an inch or so, then they started bringing in black moist soil to continue building upward. Mixed into this, of course, is the re bar — yellowing dead grasses.

They’re at it all day from sunup to sundown.

Who’s using yellowing dead grasses for rebar?


Only a couple of enterprising barn swallows, taking up residence under the eaves:

This time . . . will that killer cat stay away?

Photos: Steve Olafson

2 Comment

  • It’s avian adobe.

  • Ooooohh is this what’s going on under the ledges of 99 north of 1093 and along the old railroad bridge at 1093 when you’re sitting at the light at 99?

    I see hundreds of these lined up, and hundreds of birds dive-bombing the ‘nests’, and I thought they were eating or attacking whatever was living there. They’re so fast, like bats. But this would make sense – do they tend to live in large packs/colonies/groups/posses?