Scaling Back Heights Affordable Housing; Caffeine Boost in Levy Park; Mac & Cheese Chicken Wings Without the Wheels

Photo of Joan Miró Personage and Birds sculpture at JPMorgan Chase Tower: Russell Hancock via Swamplot Flickr Pool


5 Comment

  • Affordable housing and the Heights shouldn’t be used in the same sentence unless describing what the area was like back in the late 70’s. There were faint remnants of that era around the turn of the century, but now? Not so much. What was once a vibrant ectlectic enclave of artists and working class families has now been almost entirely consumed by white collar professionals living in faux victorian homes with no backyards and cars in the driveway that cost three times what the land was once worth. It’s only a matter of time before the last nail in the coffin gets driven in with the arrival of a Gap as the trend of chain retail continues its invasion of the area in order to soothe the consumer tastes of the new Heights demographic.

  • “Affordable housing” ? Nowhere in the article did it say what constitutes affordable housing. $400K units or $40K units? Affordable is relative around here.

  • Uhhh, if you actually read the article, it says that most of the units are targeted to rent for affordability of the 60th percentile of the neighborhood income. The example given was $60k/yr income for a family of 4. Other units would be market based rent.
    Of course the neighborhood NIMBY’s are trying to sabotage the whole thing by putting in a request to the planning commission to make part of the property single family only. And our council member, who barely remembers she serves this area, has flagged it on the council agenda next week. Given that this is one block north of the I-10 feeder road, I don’t think their arguments about traffic hold water.

  • if we can get affordable housing not for low class but for lower middle and middle class that would be great like (first time parents, or students or blue collar workers) remember the middle class is what drives up economy not the low and high class.

  • The Heights already has multi-story affordable housing – it’s located at Heights and 20th (Heights House) and on West 19th (Houston Heights Tower).