Some Pig

SOME PIG The host family of a 60-lb., 8-month-old pot-bellied pig named Wilbur, who resides on Fir Forest Dr. near Big Cypress Dr. in Spring, plans to go door-to-door asking for neighbors to sign a petition that would allow its pet to remain at home. Deed restrictions prohibit owners in The Thicket subdivision from raising livestock. Missy Sardo received a notice from her homeowners association giving her 30 days to find a new home for the pig — after neighbors complained. “‘One of the complaints was that he roots in your backyard, and I said, “So? It’s my backyard,” and he said, “The other complaint was that they smell,” and I said, “He doesn’t smell, they have no sweat glands, they smell better than most dogs who’ve been outside.”‘” At a neighborhood meeting this week, Sardo was told that if 51 percent of the pet’s 250 neighbors sign her petition, Wilbur will be allowed to stay. The pig has already collected close to 1000 friends on his Facebook page. [KHOU 11 News] Video: Wilbur Sardo

33 Comment

  • Hog pens as a whole can really stink!

    Been there. But I seriously doubt that this little guy’s surroundings ever get ‘fouled’ to that extent.

  • If you don’t plan on eating it it’s not livestock; it’s a pet!

  • at least nobody has ever gotten sued for being attacked by a pig that i know of. could be worse.

  • Honestly, who cares what kind of pet one has as long as it’s not dangerous? The HOA should absolutely butt out.

  • I submit that a horse is livestock although it may function within a given family more like a pet. Few are openly eaten in Texas, however, at least by humans.

  • But a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.

  • What a cutie! Wilbur can live next door to me any day. There was a PBP named Lucy who lived across the street from some friends on West Drew and would practically tap dance for grapes. And if she smelled of anything, it was spice, like clove cigarettes.

  • The pig looks lovely. Although a place called “The Thicket” sounds like it should be a Hobbit sanctuary.

  • I say we start a petition to “Save Wilbur’s Bacon”!!!

  • @Ian V: can you read? Whether it wants to or not, the HOA is obligated to act as it did once it receives complaints. And it’s unlikely that there’s a “you can violate the restrictions if you get a petition signed” provision, so in fact it’s going out of its way to accommodate the animal’s owner.

    The HOA’s doing the right thing, and not because it has to. So in this case three fingers are pointing back at the one who should “butt out.”

  • hahaha it’s kind of cute. How big will he get?

  • Adorable! MUCH rather have Wilbur than my current neighbors!!

  • I would propose that, for the next Swamplot awards, there be some sort of category for “most lulzy violation of deed restrictions.” Not that this would win, of course.

  • I think that the question of whether the pig is livestock is a pretty valid one. Unless pig is specifically included as a species not allowed then any definition the HOA use that can be stretched to apply to Wilbur could also be stretched to include pretty much any animal being kept by any resident.

  • I’ll trade my idiot, grumpy neighbors for this pig. Any day of the week!

  • Should have gone with a teacup pig. No one and I mean no one can resist a tea cup pig.

    teacup pigs.

  • @mek ju: Wow, take it personally much? In this case the bottom line is that the HOA is acting as a conduit for the homeowner’s neighbors to tell him what he can or cannot reasonably do on his own property. He has a pig is his fenced, BFD. I don’t care what the letters of their bylaws are, or whether they insist that they are legally obligated to pursue enforcement of the neighborhood code. On a basic level of morality, it’s wrong to tell your neighbors what to do with their property that they legally own.. and on a practical level, it’s just another level of BS to deal with in life. Chill out and on a personal note, there’s no need for such a rude tone when posting.

  • Anon: “But a dog’s got personality. Personality goes a long way.”

    “I mean he’d have to be ten times more charmin’ than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I’m sayin’?”

  • @Ian V: Nothing personal taken, I’m pretty chilled out. I simply call the shots as I see them and I don’t rush to judgment if I don’t know the facts.

    Fact: The law is not obligated to be based on any level of morality, even the basic one you cite. Separation of church and state, freedom of speech, etc. etc.

    Fact: Homeowners enter into a BINDING LEGAL contract stating they will abide by deed restrictions when they buy the house. The way to opt out is to buy elsewhere.

    Fact: Deed restrictions protect property value by limiting what you AND your neighbors can do. Insert standard “but I don’t want my value to go up…” argument here, then remember that if you’re the one selling you want to get every dime possible, period.

    Fact: The HOA is probably going too far out on a limb even though it is trying to do the right thing. HUD does not include pigs in its definition of “common household pets,” ( and just because 51% of the neighbors might be ok with the pig it really should be decided by the adjacent neighbors. In addition to the aforementioned, I smell a lawsuit…

  • Wilbur, if they kick you out, come live with me in the Heights :-) I hate HOAs, glad I don’t have one.

  • So, why don’t they just keep him indoors? Can HOAs determine what house pets a person has? (we don’t have an HOA in my hood)

  • Under the Texas Agriculture Code, pigs are defined to be livestock. I can’t think of a good reason to allow someone to keep a pig in a subdivision.

  • Under the Texas Agriculture Code, pigs are defined to be livestock. I can’t think of a good reason to allow someone to keep a pig in a subdivision.

    The only reason I can think not to allow keeping this particular pig is legal precedent. Frankly, I’d rather have a neighbor keeping a pig than a parrot, which can be very loud.

    Common sense tells us that one pig does not make a farm or turn a neighborhood into little mexico with chickens roaming the streets. But legal precedent being what it is (and most definitely not common sense), the HOA may fear that argument more than allow common sense to rule the day.

  • But can you think of a reason *not* to?

  • John (another one):

    But can you think of a reason *not* to?
    Pigs are dangerous omnivores. Given a chance they will eat anything that they see. I’ve seen video of pigs eating their fellow pigs. Every year, pig farmers are eaten by their animals. And, pig pens smell. Bad.

  • LIT@26
    Amen to the parrot(s)! A home across the street from where I work has one that shrieks all day. A home the next block over has an outdoor aviary, and when I walk the dog I can hear the chattering (not nearly so annoying as the shrieker, though, maybe because they have company). I love parrots, but they really should be kept inside for the sanity of neighbors.

  • Ross, dogs are also dangerous omnivores which can turn on, attack and kill people.
    Life is dangerous; better stay in bed.
    I also have a home for Wilbur, in case Kasia’s offer falls through.

  • People are also dangerous omnivores who can turn on, attack, and kill other people. Legend has it that the Karankawha (the tribe native to this area) ate their vanquished enemies in between slathering themselves with alligator fat to ward off the mosquitos. It can happen again.

  • I would be glad to take Wilbur too. Or maybe someone should contact George Clooney who lost his potbelly pig a few years ago. I’d be glad to volunteer for that too.

  • Heights Weirdo, I’m not absolutely positive, but I seem to remember that ole George had problems with the neighbors too!