The 2012 Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate Begin Now

Yes, it is that time of the year. Swamplot’s annual end-of-the-year review of the best, most, and much too much of Houston’s local real-estate scene begins this week. Are you ready to help select the winners?

All this month we’ll be hosting the fifth annual Swamplot Awards for Houston Real Estate — the Swampies. This year there will be 7 categories, honoring the designs, developments, neighborhoods, personalities, dreams, and absurdities that continue to make Houston real estate so entertaining. Today we’ll announce 2 of them; we’ll continue with the remaining categories over the rest of this week.

To make the Swampies work — and more important, to make them fun — we need your help. It’s always been our readers’ discerning vision, clever coinages, and careful consideration that have made the awards into a great local attraction. This year is no different. For each category, we need your help to come up with the right slate of official nominees. You be the judge: What was notable in 2012? What caught your eye and wouldn’t let go? What valiant efforts deserve recognition? And what brilliant comments can you add to encapsulate the story?

The Swampies belong to you. All nominations and votes will come from Swamplot readers. We hope you’ll join in the fun!

5 Comment

  • I know that it is recent; therefore, in the forefront of my mind but, The Dead Animal House of Pasadena has got to be worth something. Besides, I want to be at the award ceremony just to see Safari Jack roll up in his Bentley and safari outfit to claim his award.

  • I am saddened that there is no category for Most (Ahem) Interesting Photo in a HAR Listing.

  • Gas Exxodus: Most Cannibalistic Corporate Relocation. Think of all the gas that won’t be burned now.

  • Attention HOAs: Do not send out your end of the year email until the nominations for best neighborhood are in so you can order your members to stuff the ballot box. It keeps the category interesting each year to learn about some small hamlet of a neighborhood that has managed to keep things together through all of Houston’s booms and busts. Otherwise, it would just be an annual Heights v. Midtown grudge match.

  • How about a category for the neighborhood/area with the worst, unwalkable sidewalks?