WOULD YOU LIKE TO WRITE FOR SWAMPLOT? Help Wanted SignWe’re looking to add a few occasional-ish contributors to Swamplot’s editorial mix. Got a way with words and a fresh take on this city (or know someone who does)? Here’s a terrific chance to dig into the ups, downs, ins, outs, wets, and dries of the local real estate scene —- and to get paid (well, something) for doing it. To apply, send an email to the tip line with the subject Freelance Contributor. (Please note: If you’re in the real estate biz, this is not the gig for you.) Tell us about yourself in a paragraph, and spend another telling us what kinds of stories you might be interested in working on. Will you trawl HAR for gawk-worthy listings? Review the artistic merits of sparkly refinery incidents? Scoop up tidbits on restaurant shakeups? Let us know the Houston real-estate-related stuff that you get excited about. Do include writing clips if you have ’em. If we like what we see, we’ll get in touch. 

10/19/16 2:00pm
by Christine Gerbode

2 Comment

  • Okay Commonsense, here’s another opportunity.

  • I’ve seen the light, my flock needs me, yee shall refer to me as Reverend Commonsense. I shall read every Thursday (my holy day) the same stories from the real estate listing of 1982, and yee must giveth me 13% of your income in tithes to me.
    PS, I need a new Piaggio Avanti to spread the good news.