Neighborhood Watch Media Watch

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEDIA WATCH A reporter for a Houston media outlet is exploring a “potential story” on neighborhood watch groups around the Houston area, and has a few questions for Swamplot readers: “In your experience with the Houston real estate market, have you seen the existence of watch groups affect the market in the watch neighborhood? In other words, would a potential buyer be deterred or reassured/pleased by neighborhood watch signs in the area in which she/he is looking at buying? Would they think it was unsafe/safe? Do watch groups bring the prices up, down or neither? I’m interested in any light you could shed on the topic of neighborhood watch groups–even if it is slight.” Well, whaddya think? Add your comments below, or send them privately to this email address. [Swamplot inbox]

2 Comment

  • A neighborhood watch member (aka, volunteer vigilante) was too aggressive in his harassment of suspects a few months ago and got shot as a result, crippling him for life.


  • The article Jeremy pointed out is a clear example of improper NW procedure, with a tragic consequence.

    But back to the point of this: I live in a newer subdivision in Houston suburbia where the builder still controls our HOA. We had a rough time convincing them to support our Neighborhood Watch program, because they were afraid it would scare off potential home buyers. Nevertheless, we found common ground and got the NW program started (this included putting up NW signs on our streets).

    That was 10 months ago. Since then, home sales in our subdivision have continued to grow at about the same pace (or better) than they had been before the program started. Which isn’t to say they have been fantastic (the recession has slowed sales everywhere), but at least we have proof the starting the NW program didn’t kill home sales.