Comment of the Day: Spending an Eternity Behind Mary’s Lounge

COMMENT OF THE DAY: SPENDING AN ETERNITY BEHIND MARY’S LOUNGE “. . . there is a garden in the back which holds the ashes of men who passed in the early AIDS epidemic. I am shocked no one in the Houston Community has brought this to anyone’s attention. . . .” [j, commenting on Swamplot Street Sleuths: Gotta Fight for Your Right]

24 Comment

  • Reason enough to turn it into an eternity garden. That would be a lovely addition to our neighborhood. Thanks for the info.


    According to the Facebook group the garden was not an AIDS memorial garden. Another urban legend bites the dust.

    I think Mary’s at one time early on was a “gay biker” bar and so maybe it’s a memorial garden for some of the early gay bikers.

    The park across the street would be a nice AIDS memorial garden just the same.

  • Matt,

    I guess my friends who lived through the early AIDS days in Houston who have spread some of the ashes of their friends there are liars?

  • All I know is what Brandon Wolf posted on the Facebook site. Learn to read.


    Try that link.

    “Kevin Hoffman – It’s kind of you to think of others who have passed. However, Mary’s Out Back is a resting place for persons who died from causes other than AIDS. My suggestion is to honor the ‘spirit of Mary’s’ – that sense of community that made people want to rest at that particular location. -Brandon Wolf”

  • Matt-
    How dare you call KJB’s friends liars! They lived through the early AIDS days in Houston, afterall. You probably kick puppies for fun. You’re a horrible person.

    Great post. The righteous indignation was totally called for. Matt has no business trying to share information. For all we know, he probably doesn’t have a single friend that lived through the early AIDS days in Houston and thus cannot be considered the authoritative repository of knowledge that you can. Keep calling out phonies like Matt (if that is his real name).

  • In the few (3) times I’ve been to Mary’s (during Pride Festival), I’ve been to the back area.

    Is it a memorial you would see in a cemetery or park? No. Are there plaques and signs? No.

  • How dare you call KJB’s friends liars! They lived through the early AIDS days in Houston, afterall. You probably kick puppies for fun. You’re a horrible person.


    Do you bother to read or can you even read if you manage to click on links? Got a problem with who is and is not scattered in the back of Mary’s? Go slam Brandon Wolf. He’s the one who posted on Facebook that it is not a memorial garden for people who died of AIDS.

    Among other things I was one of the first volunteers at Bering-Omega. And at Magadalen House which was the hospice the diocese hid the priests with AIDS away at.

    Nasty little lot on Swamplot of late…

  • Jeez, Matt, even I can tell that Simma Donna was using hyperbole and sarcasm to *defend* you, and I stink at internet sarcasm. Simma was pointing out that KJB might be jumping down your throat in a bit of knee-jerk internet rage. Your reply is ironic.

  • I read the link and all the comments on the Facebook site. My take on it is that “they” considered it a memorial area for Mary’s customers and community members, some who died from AIDS and some who did not. Brandon Wolf wasn’t comfortable with limiting it to an AIDS memorial. I have a friend who lives in an apartment complex in deepest Montrose. Among the trees on the grounds are dozens of wind chimes placed in memory of former residents who died of AIDS. Yes, I said “dozens.” This is really, really sad.

  • Again, go slam Brandon Wolf.

  • to all .. . it has been established it is a memory garden. if someone can help find a way to memorialize it, the better it is for Houston. Would you want a new Whataburger on your family memeber if that was where they have been scattered?

  • Matt: I had trouble telling if Simma Donna was being sarcastic also. Sarcasm doesn’t come through to well in text. Really I’m still not totally sure she was being sarcastic.

  • back in the early 80s out behind mary’s was eagle leathers. a rather unique boutique that also sold ectasy prior to it becoming a controlled substance. there was a goldfish bowl full of pills next to their cash register.

  • back in the early 80s out behind mary’s was eagle leathers. a rather unique boutique that also sold ectasy prior to it becoming a controlled substance. there was a goldfish bowl full of pills next to their cash register.


    Out behind Mary’s. The back patio. That scene moved to the Ripcord long ago. As many who thought the Ripcord was an “after hours” club and wandered in after they got bored with South Beach discovered.

    Suffice it to say “after hours” at the Ripcord is not good “public relations” for the gay and lesbian community.

  • Suffice it to say “after hours” at the Ripcord is not good “public relations” for the gay and lesbian community.

    If you prefer leather/fetish, then Ripcord is where you go. I don’t.

    As for not good public relations, there is a lot going on at South Beach that’s just as bad (and in plain sight) that isn’t good public relations. Ripcord tolerates more “acts” in public than most places. Ripcord is the flashback to the pre-AIDS era of Montrose and many gay neighborhoods in the U.S. where sex was free and open and there wasn’t a care in the world.

    People have to realize that the gay “world” is not much different than the straight world in that it is very diverse (especially now since gay people have become more open in everyday society). You have your freaks, you have your homebodies, you have your businessmen, you have your bohemians. You have your gay suburban parents (lots more than I realized in Houston). You even have your gay racist and gay bigots. You have your gay evangelicals. You have your gay ranchers. etc.

  • Good grief is this a real estate blog or a tea dance? Kjb and Matt just get a room and fight for bottom.

  • I kinda thought that SDonna had her tongue in her cheek too……

    Hard to be positive though.

    I’m just wondering why anyone with the ashes of a dear friend would even think it was OK to scatter those ashes on property that may or may not remain “as is” for eternity.

    It’s not exactly the same as letting the ashes blow off a mountaintop or over the side of a ship. It’s in someone’s back yard for pete’s sake. (By “someone’s”, I mean the owner of the property.)

  • How can I put this without offending someone? Sleazy straights do not excuse sleazy gays and lesbians. And sleazy gays and lesbians do not excuse sleazy straights.

    Can we get back to something more culturally important to all like discussing the dynamics of Southampton Syndrome?

  • Having lived through the 80’s and having lost many friends to AIDS. Wasn’t it the things we did on the back patio at Mary’s that lead to the impromptu memorial services. Yes ashes (most often small amounts as a symbol) were often scattered. I witnessed this on more than one occasion. Of course I never tested the ashes to make sure they were the real thing. Again symbolism! A memorial park in Montrose would be a wonderful way to remember our friends, families and partner’s who have succumbed to AIDS. I don’t think it is realistic or beneficial to the Montrose community to turn prime retail space into a park in any form. A bar or restaurant on that lot would mean jobs. It would also help retail traffic that benefits the neighborhood as a whole. It brings people into the community which brings in money. Anybody see where I’m going with this? A park means one more place in Montrose for street trade to hang out and one more place for the cops to patrol. I’m sure I’m alone when I suggest demo the lot and build a new Mary’s. Why is it that every time a empty corner in Montrose comes on the market the first thing that comes to a hand full of minds is a park or memorial space. For a park to be a useful vibrant part of a community takes more than a lot of hot air.

  • Well we do need parks. Let’s turn Southampton into a park.

  • It’s a shame that Matt Mystery is turning into Southampton Troll Mystery.

  • Well, it would make a perfect park. Look at all the trees. McMansions are on their way you know. Save the trees!