White Oak Music Hall Rising on N. Main Next to Houston’s Best-Known Bachelor-Pad-on-a-Stick

White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

Steel is up at 2915 N. Main just east of I-45, where the White Oak Music Hall is slowly getting ready to party. The indoor-outdoor concert venue, a project of former-Fitzgerald’s-operator Pegstar, is expected to be finished dressing up some time next May.

The photo above, peering northwest up N. Main Street, looks through the skeleton of the main building on the site, where 2 of the venue’s 3 stages will be situated. The rendering below looks at the structure from the opposite corner, facing the street:


White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

The third and largest concert stage is planned for the other side of what will be a 2,000+-rocker-capacity lawn (depicted at said capacity below, looking out from the stage):

White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

Also visible, tucked in the bottom left corner of that top photo, is the landmark Raven Tower:

Raven Tower at White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

The tower was formerly owned and occupied by R.W. Walker, who built the elevated pad on the premises of his own Metal Enterprises business. Previously decked out with burnt-orange carpeting and velvet animal paintings, the home once sported a giant weather vane and rooster on the roof (the red N of the now-defunct vane is still visible).

The tower, as shown in architect Schaum and Shieh’s rendering, looks as though it will be painted to match the Music Hall’s new color scheme; the room with a view will be converted into an icehouse-style bar.

White Oak Music Hall, 2915 N. Main, Houston, 77009

Renderings: Schaum /Shieh; photo of steel: Swamplot inbox; closeup of Raven Tower: Allyn West


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