Lots of very detailed Montrose guesses in this week’s game, which would have helped in parsing a winner — if that were the right neighborhood! We had “Montrose, north of West Gray, east of Montrose Blvd.,” “just behind Texas Art Supply off Montrose,” Montrose near W. Dallas and Taft, Montrose within walking distance of the Black Lab, “somewhere between Kirby and Montrose, south of Westheimer, north of 59,” “in the greater Montrose, more specifically west of Hyde Park and the diagonal grid, bounded to the north by West Gray, to the west by Shepherd, and south by Westheimer,” Avondale, the W. Dallas-Dunlavy-W. Gray-Woodhead quadrant, “lower Montrose, just around the corner from Baba Yega,” and Winlow Place.
There were also 3 Southampton guesses, 2 West Universities, and 2 Lindale Parks. The rest: Woodland Heights, “Near Almeda, north of Hermann Park,” “the southerly parts of Third Ward, in the area bounded by Wheeler, Scott, McGregor and 288,” Southgate, Garden Oaks, Riverside Terrace, Idylwood, Eastwood, North Norhill, the Museum District, “Somewhere in Riverside or MacGregor,” “in the odd trapezoid between Binz, Almeda, Montrose and 59,” “the TSU-ish part of Midtown,” “near the Riverside Terrace area,” Almeda Place, Southmore, Old Braeswood, and Sunset Heights. There’s not a bad guess in the bunch!
Bonuses this week: a couple of well-faked entries by players who wrote in first to let us know they knew the listing, then crafted very convincing red herrings. First Ben, who pushed Montrose with this duplexitous entry:
The record/CD collection and Obama sign in the window most definitely belong to a former hipster that still resides in Montrose. Also, this reminds me of the Reality Bites house, so I’m guessing this is in the W. Dallas & Taft area, possibly off W. Dallas displaying the Obama sign for all those heading to/from downtown.
Then tcpIV, who demonstrated classic trash-guessing form — beginning in mock agreement with another player, throwing out “in the know” references, then going in for the kill:
Procrastination…I think Eric was reading my mind! This house reminds me of something like George Bunker’s house in the 2000 block of Quenby. He was head of UH’s art dept. and his house was filled…I digress. An older house – 30’s to 40’s wedged between the big ones on Rice and Sunset Blvds. near Kent or Ashby. Is it safe to say Ashby?
Well done!
But first place this week — and a free, 1-year individual membership in the Rice Design Alliance — goes to lildebbi, for this well-reasoned entry:
I have to agree with the guessers, especially EMME, who pegged the preponderance of books and music (vinyl or cd) for academics. To expand on her answer, this home is one of the grand old dames either in the museum district or perhaps on the other side of 288, with great access to Rice, TSU and UH. The wood paneling in the entry way and the tile around the fireplace remind me of so many places off Calumet or Southmore. But the unrenovated kitchen (that stove!) screams for east of the dividing line. Somewhere in Riverside or MacGregor–wish I knew the subdivision names there better.
You knew them well enough to win! Edged out only by a hair was Miz Brooke Smith, who provided the detail and coordinates to earn an honorable mention:
What a sweet place. Definitely 1930’s-1940’s for all the reasons posted by movocelot above. This could be a single-family home but has that duplex feel thanks to the narrow hall with dining area beyond, off the kitchen. Two bedrooms up with quaint bathroom (and purple fuzzy slippers), plenty of spacious hardwood living space down for those post-dorm couches and endless Ikea shelving for music and books. That bay window is indeed a quiz-buster. Somehow the neighborhood vibe is genteel pre-teardown, pre-townhouse. I’m guessing the southerly parts of Third Ward, in the ara bounded by Wheeler, SCott, McGregor and 288.
Oh . . . kudos also to Pat this week, for cracking the Neighborhood Guessing Game Code:
This might sound like sour grapes since I never win, but we actually have only about six kinds of houses in our myriad neighborhoods:
1)Before 1930 and updated or not
2)50s ranch
3)70s faux everything
6)The guy is an architect and this is his Personal Dream
So essentially we’re guessing which neighborhood it’s in by peeking out the windows. If we can’t see trees, we guess townhouse #1 through #6.
Y’all’ll still play, though, right?
So . . . how about that house?