Comment of the Day: A Proclamation of Dry Territory from the King of the Hill

COMMENT OF THE DAY: A PROCLAMATION OF DRY TERRITORY FROM THE KING OF THE HILL Flooding Coastal Homes“There actually are a few places in Houston that have never flooded and never will, due to strange and highly-localized factors. My house is one of those. I am up above the Hwy. 288 pit between 59 and Brays Bayou. Even during the worst floods, when cars were floating down there, the water would have had to come up another 25 feet, completely filling the pit with God-knows-how-many acre-feet of water, before my street would have been under water. Even then, the water would have had to climb another 5 feet up the hill in my front yard to reach my elevated house. This protection is a combination of close proximity to a huge man-made sink, the elevation of the grade of my lot when my house was constructed, and restrictions upstream that cause flooding in Meyerland but more-controlled flow downstream because of the upstream pinchpoints.” [Superdave, commenting on Comment of the Day: Where Houston Stayed Underwater After the Memorial Day Flood]

One Comment

  • Congratulations Dave. You just jinxed yourself. Remember Houston rests in an interfluvial flood plain. All the soil that was deposited here is the result of flooding from the surrounding rivers, or tides. Even your lot will one day flood again. Now maybe you will be long gone, and hopefully your mold-infested abode will be long-since demolished… but it will happen. Best to keep a kayak around just in case. Spring rains are coming soon.