COMMENT OF THE DAY: HOUSTON’S REALLY GOOD OLD DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER “The whole Houston region used to be a beautiful coastal plain where my family and extended family lived harmoniously with nature before 5,000,000 people showed up and paved over the whole damn place and called it Houston. Now I’m sad.
— Sincerely,
Karankawa Nation” [Bernard, commenting on Comment of the Day: What the House Meant] Illustration: Lulu
Hey, there’s no doubt Houston has been a net ecological negative for the Gulf Coast plain. But let’s not get too rosy-eyed: I wouldn’t call the formerly yellow-fever, malaria, and mosquito-plagued hellhole a little slice of Karankawa paradise either.
Ah the good ole days of living in a Wigwom. Hey Cochise, you like your iPhone? Your car? Your A/C. Yeah, I though so. You’re Welcome,
Signed Pale Face.
First, wigwam is spelled with an ‘a’.
Second, ‘I though so’ probably should have been ‘I thoughT so’.
Third, Chochise was an Apache, not a Karankawa.
Fourth, and most importantly: I think you missed the point of the post.
@Swamplot – still no Shannon block ?
Sebastian Good, both yellow fever and malaria were introduced to the Americas.
Shannon, is that a satirical comment? Please say it’s a satirical comment.
everything was introduced somewhere at sometime by something.
@I.P. Freely: Europeans brought malaria to the Americas, but the Indians gave them quinine with which they could treat that malaria (and more easily conquer Africa and Asia), so it all evens out.
What’s interesting is that the Allen Brothers founded Houston as a pastoral escape from dirty, increasingly industrialized cities up north. New York City, where they were from, already had a population of close to 250,000. It was a pretty messed up place. You think police can be corrupt today, New York in the 1830s had two competing police forces who spent almost as much time fighting each other as they did fighting crime. Then there’s the dirt streets filled with horse manure, and the factories that were starting to pop up, (this was long before labor and environmental laws). And the port: you never knew what was going to come through a 19th century port….
shannon shannon fo fannin bo nanna nanna mo mannin….. shannon!
Weren’t them Karankawans some enemy eating cannibals?
@markd: There’s some debate about that. See
Midtown Community Meeting
April 1, 2015 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
Can’t a person just comment on the history of a soon to be demolished house and what it meant to their family without getting some over the top smart-a** remark? Not in Houston, no, they cannot.