Comment of the Day: Rock On, Prudential Demo

COMMENT OF THE DAY: ROCK ON, PRUDENTIAL DEMO “Although I am a huge proponent of keeping architecturally significant buildings intact and committing to their re-use, this building is an exception. I worked on some interior spaces in this building and although it was beautiful on the outside (as beautiful as a limestone monolith can be) the interior, with the exception of the first floor was awful. Low ceilings, large thick structural walls and narrow passageways gave it a feeling somewhere between a habitrail and a cave. It is also loaded with asbestos. MD Anderson is committed to keeping functional buildings, as they showed by adding to to top of the existing Alkek tower last year, rather than tearing it down. Houston Main Building really did have to go.” [LISA, commenting on Report: M.D. Anderson Begins Demolishing Med Center Icon; more recently on Swamplot]

2 Comment

  • The architect for this project…Kenneth Franzheim designed other buildings that were equally disappointing. His remaining relatives are an odd assortment of people. A great grandaughter is psychotic due to drug and alchohol problems.

  • And this is pertinent because..?