COMMENT OF THE DAY: SUPERIOR LOCATIONS “On one hand, it is ironic that these kids consider one bunch of chain restaurants superior to an identical bunch in another location. But it is also a demonstration of how even in an environment of repetitive conformity, persons especially sensitive to barely visible (and possibly pheromonic) indicators of superiority will seek such places out. It suggests that even if we lived in a Stalinist city of identical concrete apartment blocks, where everyone wore identical Mao suits, there’d still be a cool part of town.” [RWB, commenting on Hey, Hey, Stay Outta Our Chick-fil-A]
That’s a great comment.
O dear god – the pseudo-intellectual garble is sickening. “ironic that these kids consider one bunch of chain restaurants superior to an identical bunch” ..”also a demonstration of how even in an environment of repetitive conformity, persons especially sensitive to barely visible (and possibly pheromonic) indicators of superiority will seek such places out.”
Seriously, you portend intelligence ? Disgusting. Ugly. Pretentious. Stupid. Enjoy who you are, but please don’t think you represent anyone near the less than vocal less than minority.
Fucking Tool
^Now that’s intelligence..
I guess I’ll just go “portend” intelligence at a different Whataburger then.