COMMENT OF THE DAY: WHEN HELICOPTERS RULED THE HOUSTON SKIES “Armadillo Airways was the service that flew to IAH from the Galleria, Whitehall Hotel (downtown), Shamrock Hilton and the Westchase Hilton. Flights cost $49 each way. The service was started by the son of the inventor of the Weed Eater.
I remember my dad taking this service from an earlier location in the Globe Department Store parking lot at the SW corner of what is now I-10 & Beltway 8. This all went away with the mid-80′s oil bust. Here is an old pamphlet.” [Holtnow, commenting on A Heliport Lands In Spring Branch East] Illustration: Lulu
Actually it was Sage that was at the SWC of the Beltway and the Katy Freeway. I remember it becoming a heliport for a little while.
Globe was located a bit more east on the freeway, and disappeared earlier than Sage.
Thanks for pointing that out. Globe was on the SW corner of Gessner at Katy Freeway. Oshman’s later took it’s place at this location. I do remember the vast grassed area in front of the Sage store with a sign stating something to the effect “future site of toll road”.
The pamphlet in the link says $25 one-way per passenger. That’s about $55-75 today depending on the exact year, but might still be worth it for the time and hassle savings.
Globe was where the Westin Hotel and Memoriall Hermann Hellhole are now
$55-75 bucks to get to IAH by chopper – Hell a cab is at least that much.
If it really was $55, then there are times when i know for sure i would pay that for a chopper ride to the IAH