Daily Demolition Report: Gum in the Work

Some trouble getting permit info this morning means our demolition details will be a bit delayed. We’ll get them to you as soon as we can.

If you can’t wait, feel free to check the city’s sold-permit search engine throughout the day. If you can pull any demos from there, feel free to post your finds in the comments! (Note: the search engine only works with Internet Explorer.)

2 Comment

  • I can’t believe I didn’t see this on Swamplot on Tuesday! Select Owner/Occupant, type in WILSHIRE VILLAGE, and pick a min date of Jan 1 2009.

    There’s a DEMO BLD/SEWER DISC permit for each of BLD 1 thru BLD 15, plus a couple of other miscellaneous demo permits masquerading as plumbing permits.

  • @GoogleMaster: Good catch. Feel free to add a comment to the latest Wilshire Village posts too.

    To clarify: Swamplot’s Daily Demo Reports list demo permits that are classified as structural permits. If you’re looking for a better early-warning system for demos, you should monitor the plumbing permits (as you did) — the sewer disconnect/demo permits always precede the ones we track.