Highland Village Apple Store Tapes Over Bullet-Ridden Windows with Giant Screen Protectors

Sure, it’s a temporary fix, but it does make those shot-out glass panels on the brand-new Apple Store in Houston’s Highland Village Shopping Center look all clean and sleek again — if not a little gun-shy. The shattered panel above the Westheimer Rd. entrance has been smoothed over with a covering of adhesive black film. For symmetry’s sake, the film has been applied to the adjacent panel as well, to frame out a new large Apple logo decal in the center. The new decal stands in for the now obscured glowing Apple logo fixture that hangs in the same location just behind the window:


The same window dressing without the logo decal has been applied to the wounded full-height panel on the east side of the same facade. All the better to disguise the store’s battle wounds while it waits for the no-doubt expensive and intricate job of replacing the structural-glass pieces punctured by bullets from an unknown gunman who went on a Westheimer shooting spree early in the morning of April 30th. Now, customers who hadn’t heard about the drive-by shooting might hardly notice the difference: Those darker panes are where parts of the store needed just a little extra protection from Houston’s scorching sun, maybe?

Photos: damightymescan (at top), Swamplot inbox (interior)

9 Comment

  • This is why we can’t have nice things!

  • Lesson learned for the Beirut and Baghdad grand openings.

  • For those of us who did know about the shooting, the temporary fix is very obvious, but better than just a wood panel. Tootsie’s at West Ave painted the plywood covering their bullet holes white and stenciled their name on it, but the window has since been replaced.

  • They tried a warranty claim on the glass, but since they didn’t buy AppleCare they’re going to have to continue to use it, unless they sign a longer lease in which case they can get a new one.

  • JohnC beat me to the obvious joke, dang you!

  • Five bucks says it’s slightly crooked and managed to get a cat hair stuck underneath it.

  • Finally made it in there today for a Genius Bar appointment. Though a tad warmish and echoey, it’s a nice space.

  • And how could police and security details not notice that much shooting in a relatively sedate part of town?

    Did all the security cameras fail at the same time?

  • mek ju understands.