5 Comment

  • How on earth would you ever put up wallpaper? There’s not a single wall in the place that’s plumb or square – it looks like the Joker’s lair from the old Batman TV series.

  • Is that MR BUBBLES I see in the high chair? MR BUBBLES you are in big trouble MISTER! Just like you to poop in my kitchen and then hightail it out of here… And look at you flirting with all those dollies!!!


  • I can usually look past decor to see the bones of a house, but it’s just too much. Too much out-dated clutter.
    Why have the “artistic” shots of the dolls and the tree in the backyard. Weird.

  • A certain “Night Gallery” episode ruined dolls for life with me. I don’t even like to glance at the cheapies in Walgreens.